Hi internet world,
We have been pretty much married for six months now, and that makes me smile. A lot. As promised, we wanted to share with you some of the highlights of our life which you. I'm going to be honest though, I'm really kind of motivated to post on this here blog because of all of the naysayers out there. *cough* Wendy *caugh* So what if I only posted like 4 times on my own personal blog a few years back. In my opinion that thing was perfect, it didn't need anything else. I had a poem about Mac and Cheese, a video of Gianna playing Wii boxing, and tales about my time as in EY intern. I don't know if it gets much better than that.
On that note, I begin my epic tale of our marriage so far.
First Things First: The Mawwiage
Luckily, our marriage did not include a storming of the castle or the Dread Pirate Roberts, although it did include someone who is was mostly dead. Someone decided to get married, graduate, move, and start a new job all within a 10 day period = not good for the human body. Sorry for being sick on our wedding honey. Oh ya, and sorry for being sick during our honeymoon and for three weeks after. Luckily the sickness didn't hit until after the wedding, so I was able to remember our wedding day.
It was an amazing day, and I still feel like the luckilest guy in the world. I cannot even begin to thank everyone for all of the planning, work, and sacrifice that went in to making our special day perfect in every way. We are blessed to have such a great and supportive family, who did so so much for us. Even to this day we are humbled by the amount of generosity that was shown to us. We cannot thank all of you enough for everything. My cheeks still hurt from smiling so much. It was so fun to have so much support, but most importantly, it was amazing to share such a special day with my dear wife. In case you couldn't see it then, we love each other a lot :)
Also, she looks incredible. I'm a happy, lucky man.
One of our big regrets is taking close to
zero pictures on our honeymoon. The one day I was feeling well enough to be adventurous to stand up and walk we went to this ropes course called
Selvatica. It was a lot of fun. We did a zip line / 4 wheeler tour in the jungle of Cancun, and it was crazy fun. The only problem was I forgot to bring closed toe shoes to the ropes course. Luckily, I married a woman of many talents who found this solution:
The best part of the Selvatica trip was this crazy cool zip line over this pond in the middle of the jungle. The water was a perfectly chill temperature, and it was fun to do dives and flips after doing the token Tarzan yell. I highly recommend it.
I hope you enjoyed these happy memories. Stay tuned for more, gumshoes.